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Assize Seminar: Cutting-Edge Criminal Law

Assize Seminar: Friday 14th May 2021, beginning at 3pm, hosted by the University of Oxford.

We have a very exciting panel of speakers and commentators, and the promise of some
fascinating discussion of important issues in criminal law and criminal justice.

As in the last Assize seminar at the University of Cambridge (recordings available here:, the event will be hosted online, on Zoom. The presentations from the speakers will be available in advance, to be watched before the session on 14 May.

Details are below and places are limited to facilitate discussion; to apply for a place please go to:

(That form is being updated: at the point you sign-up it might say 2pm, but the start will now be 3pm, to enable our practitioner commentators to attend)

15:00 Introduction

15:10 Discussion session 1

Speaker: Dr Mark Dsouza, Associate Professor, UCL

Title: “False beliefs and consent to sex”

Commentator: David Emanuel QC, Garden Court Chambers

15:55 Break

16:00 Discussion session 2

Speaker: Dr Gabrielle Watson, Shaw Foundation Fellow in Law, Lincoln
College, Oxford

Title: “Ethical Perspectives on the Guilty Plea”

Commentator: HHJ Farrell QC, Honorary Recorder of Cambridge and Peterborough

16:45 Break

16:50 Discussion session 3

Speaker: Abenaa Owusu-Bempah, Assistant Professor of Law, LSE

Title: “The irrelevance of rap”

Commentators: (double bill)

Kirsty Brimelow QC, Doughty Street Chambers

Joel Smith, Furnival Chambers and Junior Treasury Counsel at the Central
Criminal Court

17:35 Breakout sessions for those interested in further discussion

18:00 Close


Event only:

Silk £0.00
+7 Years £0.00
-7 Years £0.00
Pupil £0.00
Non Member £0.00

Booking options

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