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Criminal Mind Research Network Launch Event

This event will be held at Nottingham Trent University on May 23rd 2025. This is the launch event of the Criminal Mind Research Network.

The Criminal Mind Research Network is being established to look at the doctrine of automatism, which applies when the person is acting without any conscious control over their actions.

This event will be a forum for discussion of the issues in this area, and will look to establish the priorities for future events. We aim to attract a diverse audience of lawyers, clinicians, philosophers and other interested parties in order to generate an interdisciplinary discussion of the topic.

The venue will be the Nottingham Conference Centre in the Newton Building, which is in the centre of Nottingham. There will be a nominal fee to cover refreshments (£25). Please contact John Rumbold [email protected] if you require any further details. Bookings will be open in 2025 with all the details of the venue and the programme.

Speakers include Alan Carson, John Child, Claire Hogg, Ian Morrison, Renata Riha, John Rumbold, Iram Shah and Hannah Wishart on a range of medical and legal topics.

The conference will start at 0915 and finish at 1800


Event only:

Silk £25.00
+7 Years £25.00
-7 Years £25.00
Pupil £25.00
Non Member £25.00


Booking options

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