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Join Us

As a Criminal Barrister who is not yet a member of the CBA please consider joining. The annual subscription is excellent value for money, and in addition to supporting the work of the CBA you will be able to access our events and publications and benefit from regular information and updates crucial for criminal practitioners.

Our annual subscription rates:
Pupil to under 3 years’ call                      £35.00
3 – 7 years’ call                                        £45.00
Over 7 years’ call                                     £85.00
Silks                                                         £185.00
In addition, we welcome student membership from those undertaking either the BTC or an LLB at £35.00pa.
Please email both completed forms to


Please download the Application Form and Direct Debit Mandate.


Answers to common questions can be viewed here!




Membership Benefits

  • Representation
  • Conferences, seminars, meetings and social events for members
  • RASSO Training (every three years)
  • Regular email updates via the Monday Message
  • Discounts on leading publication
  • Full access to website resources

Members may attend our series of accredited CPD conferences/seminars and lectures each year, delivered by senior members of the Bar and Judiciary as well as experts from other disciplines and covering a wide spectrum of crime. The online evening lectures can be attended free by members and are also available to purchase online in the members-only section of the website for those who cannot make it on the day.
