CBA Chairman’s Message-CPS Letter to Heads of Chambers
CBA Chairman’s Message:
CPS Letter to Heads of Chambers
Tuesday 17 December 2013

Personal Email: [email protected]
I received the courtesy of a copy of this letter late yesterday and waited for it to be received by Heads of Chambers before issuing this comment.
The new D.P.P Alison Saunders and I have had cordial and constructive conversations. In the course of them she has emphasised the importance of the working relationship the CPS has with the Bar and that this is not under threat.
The Director appreciates that whilst the demonstration is not directed against the CPS, nevertheless it is likely to be supported by a substantial majority of the criminal bar. She is also aware that what happens to cases on the 6th January is largely in the hands of the Judge concerned which she of course, is content should be the case. Assuming that little occurs in the morning it is unlikely there would repercussions.
The letter HERE whilst not aimed at providing comfort is certainly not designed to cause alarm.
Her view is pragmatic. She reminds me of letters that were sent in the North after the QASA protest to 6 individuals none of whom were disciplined . I hope I correctly sum up the Director’s view as being “light touch “. We are meeting again in early February .
Nigel Lithman QC