CBA Chairmans’s Message – 09.12.14
CBA Monday Message:
Tony Cross QC
Monday 15 December 2014

E: [email protected]
T: 07860 692693
Four Hotels
When you are my age there are fewer and fewer opportunities for a first time for anything. Friday morning saw a first for me when having arrived at floor 8 of the fourth hotel that I had stayed in since Sunday night I quickly realised that I had no idea what room I was in-I did though the sensible thing- I rang reception and they quickly informed me where it was I was supposed to be.
My confusion though was nothing to the confused thinking in Government as to the dual provider provisions. My problem was solved by a quick telephone call. I can give equally straight forward advice, read again the CBA Response HERE and follow our advice. Isn’t it time again for Government to pause and as we say in the North (well I do), think on? This article HERE might provide some food for thought.
As I promised on Friday Mark and I met with Bill Waddington (CLSA), Jon Black and Julian Hayes (LCCSA). As you know we had arranged this meeting to enable us to discuss the scope and effect of the Government’s dual contract scheme and its likely effect upon both professions.
All three of our organisations have previously warned government that we believe these changes would have a devastating effect on the criminal justice system.
We enjoyed an open and frank dialogue and have agreed to continue discussions as to the appropriate way forward in the near future. I shall now be consulting the Officers and Executive for their views. Our meeting is on Wednesday.
CBA Elections
We have a record field for your consideration. My challenge to weeks ago seems to have generated an appropriate response. You will find a link here to the details for the upcoming elections. Please study the biographies of the candidates and register your vote. We need a strong Executive representing the Bar of England and Wales.
Name | Chambers | Call | Proposed by | Chambers | Seconded by | Chambers |
Kerim Fuad QC | Churchcourt Chambers | 1992 | Richard Bentwood | Goldsmith Chambers | Mike Turner QC | Garden Court Chambers |
Rebecca Herbert | 36 Bedford Row | 1993 | James Vine | 5 St Andrews Hill | Mary Aspinall -Miles | 12 College Place |
Nigel R Edwards | St Paul’s Chambers | 1995 | James Vine | 5 St Andrews Hill | Rebecca Herbert | 36 Bedford Row |
Nick Worsley | Zenith Chambers | 1998 | John Elvidge QC | Dere St Chambers | Simon Csoka QC | Lincoln House Chambers |
Claire Davies | Farringdon Chambers | 1999 | Christopher Whitehouse | Farringdon Chambers | Martin McCarthy | Farringdon Chambers |
Mary Aspinall -Miles | 12 College Place | 1999 | Rebecca Herbert | 36 Bedford Row | Ed Elton | 12 College Place |
Cathy (Acheson) McCulloch | St Edmunds Chambers | 2002 | Thom Dyke | Great James St | Simon Spence QC | 18 Red Lion Court |
Rebecca Lee | 187 Fleet Street | 2004 | Simon Mayo QC | 187 Fleet Street | Leon Kazakos | 187 Fleet Street |
Joanne Cecil | Garden Court Chambers | 2005 | Sam Parham | Garden Court Chambers | Tom Wainwright | Garden Court Chambers |
Chris Moran | No 6 Chambers | 2007 | Matthew Harding | Park Square Chambers | John Elvidge QC | Dere St Barristers |
Stephen Knight | Garden Court Chambers | 2011 | Catherine Oborne | Garden Court Chambers | Vikki Kerly | Garden Court Chambers |
Abimbola Johnson | 25 Bedford Row | 2011 | Paul Keleher QC | 25 Bedford Row | Dermot Keating | 25 Bedford Row |
CBA Autumn Conference
Yet more good news came my way as a result of the Autumn Conference. I owe James Mulholland QC and his team and Aaron of course a huge debt of thanks for what was by all accounts a superb day. Government would be well advised to remember just how much effort the CBA expend on educating and training those that conduct cases in the Crown courts of this land. Our fantastic contributors, Mr Justice Goss, Her Honour Judge Wendy Joseph, Professor David Ormerod QC, Bobbie Cheema QC, Miranda Bevan, Dr Eileen Vizard, and Professor Penny Cooper gave up their time and energy for free. Who will be the ultimate beneficiaries of their kindness – the public who will see their cases prosecuted and defended by the best. This cooperation though will only go so far. I wonder if those great factory firms rumoured to be the beneficiaries of the dual provider provisions with their growing advocacy departments will produce Barristers and Judges of the calibre seen at our conference on Saturday. I think not!
The Spring Conference will be held in Manchester on Saturday April 25. Book early so soon as details are released.
CBA Bursary
Ten days ago, the officers had the privilege of determining who should be awarded CBA Bursaries this year. We had a record number of applicants and we took a decision to make more awards than in previous years. I was extremely sorry that I was unable to make it to London to present the awards myself at the CBA lecture that took place last Tuesday. The quality of the candidates (pupils and junior tenants alike) was humbling and Mark and the officers have spoken in glowing terms of their abilities and dedication. The levels of debt that young barristers carry nowadays is shattering and the profession has a tremendous responsibility to continue to do what it can to ensure that able candidates who have no economic support from families can pursue a career at the self employed Bar. The continued fee cuts and the imminent changes seem designed to ensure that all the advances in the social diversity of the profession in the last two decades are reversed.
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