Chairmans Message – 16.07.14
CBA Chairman’s Message:
Wednesday 17 July 2014

Personal Email: [email protected]
Today begins the appeal against the lawfulness of QASA in the Court of Appeal. The CBA is proud to have undertaken this journey with total commitment as have the Circuits that have all indemnified this action. We again thank the counsel and solicitors that represent us and give freely and unstintingly of their time.
We would also wish farewell to Dominic Grieve QC MP who stands down as Attorney General. The Bar was always heard with a sympathetic ear by him and we wish him success in whatever role he chooses hereafter.
Meanwhile we congratulate and look forward to working with his successor Jeremy Wright MP who comes from the bosom of the Bar at No.5 Chambers Birmingham.
Nigel Lithman QC
Chairman of the CBA
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