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Monday Message 24.06.24

Dear colleagues and friends,

It was a lovely sunny evening last Tuesday when thousands of lawyers descended on Carey Street behind the Royal Courts of Justice to begin the 20th London Legal Walk.  Organised by The London Legal Support Trust, the event brought together the legal community to support free legal advice services on the frontline in London and the South East.  We joined a record turnout of 18,500 walkers.  Thank you to other members of the CBA team including Charlotte Newell KC with Moe, Mark Watson and James Rossiter.  We spotted many Chambers taking part – well done to all of you, it was good to see so many members of the Criminal Bar joining colleagues in actively supporting access to justice.  Unfortunately we took longer than other teams to walk the course because we had to stop more than once for refreshment.

Thank you from Woolwich Crown Court

We take this opportunity to thank the South East Circuit Leader, Leon Kazakos KC, WICL Leader Katy Thorne KC, The Recorder of Woolwich HHJ Kinch KC and all involved in collaboration and discussion regarding entry and searches at Woolwich Crown Court.  HMCTS have announced a change in the security arrangements to enable advocates using the Bar Pass to enter the building more efficiently.  Please see the attached “PUAS- Conditions of Entry guidance” (see member email received directly on Monday 24th June for the link to the guidance)

We also congratulate and wish HHJ Kinch KC well on his retirement.  As a former Chair of the CBA 2010/2011 we thank him for his service to the Criminal Bar and his continued efforts on our behalf whilst on the Bench.  He sends us this message:

“I have always wanted Woolwich to be a court that encourages advocates to give of their best when they reach us. I am delighted that the new arrangements are improving access to the building for advocates. Great thanks are due to the Leader of the SE Circuit and to the CBA and WICL for their measured and persistent advocacy which has struck home with senior officials at HMCTS. I am pleased to have been able to facilitate that process.  My red book will remain in the robing room for the time being for comments and reports of any incidents. I hope there might even be some positive feedback as well.”

From Guildford Crown Court

Please see this letter regarding the availability of parking at Guildford Crown Court for Counsel from HHJ Lees, Resident Judge at Guildford.

HHJ Lees has advised that she believes travel expenses will be paid to Counsel by the CPS and the LAA for Guildford cases heard in Winchester.

HHJ Lees has also confirmed that there will be catering available at Guildford from September 2024 when 2 courts will re-open in the main building.  From the 1st July 2024 Guildford cases will be heard at Kingston (until end of September), Chichester (until end of March 2025) and two courts will be sitting over the road in the Magistrates/Family Proceedings Court at Guildford.  From the beginning of September until the end of 2024 there will also be one court sitting at Winchester.

Victims and Prisoners Act, 2024

Members will be aware that the VPA, 2024 received royal assent prior to the dissolution of Parliament last month.  The aim of the legislation is stated to be “improving the support and guidance offered to victims of crime and major incidents, and those suffering bereavement including through the appointment of specialist advocates”.

We have not been consulted or informed of any changes to the way we deliver our legal services at the Criminal Bar so await with interest direction on how the VPA, 2024 is to be implemented and funded.

We propose to call a general Zoom meeting of members to discuss the implications of the legislation on our delivery of advocacy in the Criminal courts so please look out for the notification.


CPS website focus group

Would two barristers, one specialist RASSO and one General Crime assist the CPS by joining a focus group to provide feedback to the CPS on their website.  The focus group is due to meet on Monday 8th July 10-12pm. Please contact Aaron to confirm your willingness to attend this group.

YCBA Committee Lecture 26th June 2024 6pm-7pm

We thank in advance Mrs. Justice Bobbie Cheema-Grubb and Duncan Atkinson KC, Senior Treasury Counsel for delivering this lecture on “Written Advocacy” to Juniors under 7 years’ Call.  Please confirm attendance with Aaron to be provided with the Link.

“Adverse inference from silence” Zoom meeting with the Japanese FBA 3rd July 2024 at 10.00am

If you would like to contribute to this meeting with the JFBA please contact Aaron.  The CBA are facilitating this discussion with the JFBA to share our experiences of “adverse inference” in practice.  Those with extensive court experience involving serious offences where adverse inference from silence has had a significant impact on a trial are invited to share that experience at this meeting.

Woolwich Crown Court Open Day 6th July 2024

If any Junior members of the CBA are able to attend, we are looking to assist with volunteers in mock trials at the Woolwich Crown Court Open Day on Saturday 6th July.  We know that our members are extremely busy but always step up when needed and this is a valuable opportunity to explain our role to the general public and to receive feedback.

Please contact me on [email protected] if you can assist.

Vice Chair Nominations

If you think you might like to be nominated to stand for Vice Chair of the CBA (and therefore take over as Chair on 1st September 2025) please let Aaron know.

The role requires a member of the CBA to be King’s Counsel and although a significant time commitment is required it is thoroughly rewarding.

If you wish to speak to me to discuss the role please contact me on [email protected].

Nominations close on Friday 28th June 16.00hrs.

LEDLET Summer Scheme, London 2024:

Barrister Placements

LEDLET (Lord Edmund-Davies Legal Education Trust)  is running its Summer Scheme in London again this year, from 22nd to 26th July 2024.  They are looking for Welsh, London-based practitioners able to take a Summer Scheme student for the day during the Summer Scheme week.

The date for barristers is Wednesday 24th July 2024.

All of the Summer Scheme students will have just completed Year 12 (i.e. they’ll be 17 years old). The idea is that the student will “shadow” you for the day, in Chambers and/or at Court, in client conferences etc.

If you’re able to take a student on the 24th July, please contact Heather Sargent on [email protected] Equally, if you know of anyone else who might be able to do so, please do pass this message on to them!

Midland Circuit Scholarship

The deadline for applicants for the Midland Circuit 2024 Scholarship Scheme is Friday 28th June 2024.  A scholarship of £15,000 is being offered to a deserving candidate studying law with a connection to the Midlands.

CBA Summer Reception

We extend an invitation to all CBA members and practitioners to join us at our Summer Reception on Friday 12th July 2024 at Sea Containers Building, London from 6pm to midnight with music and dancing.  Last chance to book! Access the poster here

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