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It is more important than ever that those of you who prosecute have your voices heard. Please take a few minutes to respond to the CBA Survey HERE. Prosecution fees have been neglected for 20 years. Many of the rates are are atrociously low.  You deserve much much better levels of remuneration. The pressure we have been applying in many meetings – with the DPP, the CPS Chief Executive, the Attorney-General and Solicitor-General, and the senior Judiciary  – and in the Monday Message is beginning to make a difference.

There is now an acceptance on the part of the CPS that there must be a ‘Review of Prosecution Fees’ with the Bar being invited to participate in the ‘Review’; you may have seen the announcement sent out today by the Bar Chair, Richard Atkins QC. We need to continue to apply pressure or we risk being fobbed of with a delayed and/or inadequate response. We are meeting the CPS Chief Executive this Monday 15th April, when we will be looking for a clear commitment from the CPS that no existing fee will be reduced. We believe that none of the current fees are susceptible to any downward adjustment. We also want to know exactly when any new fee scheme would go live and some sense of the extent of new investment.

We will continue to press the case for proper levels of remuneration on your behalf, but we need you all to fill in the survey, right across the country and by members of the Bar who prosecute but who are not currently members of the CBA so please spread the word and share the link to the survey as widely as you can. Your names will remain confidential, seen only by the Secretary and Assistant Secretary of the CBA for verification purposes, the survey software generates the totals for us.

Thank you to the very many who have already responded.

Let’s all do this together.

Take the Survey Here

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