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Paris Bar Exchange 2024

Have you been in practice for up to 7 years and are also a proficient French speaker? Or perhaps you know someone who is?

Open to barristers from all Inns, the Paris Bar Exchange is an exchange programme for those who have been in practice for up to 7 years and offers the opportunity to spend the month of September doing a stage in Paris. Avocat members of the Paris Bar of similar seniority spend the month of July doing a stage in London.

The Bar of Paris with the Paris Bar School (EFB) offers the following stage to up to four Barristers:

• An introductory seminar and other activities at the EFB
• A stage in an Avocat’s offices, preferably specialising in the Barrister’s field of practice
• Attendance at hearings of both interlocutory injunction applications and criminal proceedings
• Visits to the Palais de Justice, an administrative tribunal or the Conseil d’Etat with some marshalling
• Meeting between young Avocats and Barristers and a reception
• Conducting a mock trial in the Palais de Justice before French judges

While candidates will be responsible for their own travel and accommodation, a grant of £1,750 will be payable by the Pegasus Trust.

Though it is not necessary for candidates to have studied French law, they will need to have a sufficient command of French to understand and contribute to discussions of legal subjects, read complex legal texts, and follow court hearings in French: comparable to  level C1 on the Common European Framework of Languages. It may be sensible for successful candidates whose French is recently unpractised  to take a refresher course in French over the summer ahead of their programme.

Candidates for the exchange programme (who should be proficient French speakers) should apply by 7th June by a Lettre de motivation (letter giving reasons why they would gain professionally and personally from taking part) in French with a CV in French and English to [email protected]

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