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CBA Wellbeing Consultations

The Committee has already consulted our members (see CBA Wellbeing Survey Analysis) and is currently engaged in consultations with a large number of other stakeholders.

Completed Wellbeing Consultations

BSB commitment to Wellbeing – Published 06.10.22

Supportive Quotes following Consultations with others

Max Hill KC, 27th July 2023 – CPS
“The CPS acknowledges the overriding objective of the CBA Wellbeing Protocol in seeking to ensure that the criminal Bar continues to offer a flexible and professional public service, whilst also creating and sustaining safe and healthy working environments.”

Women In Criminal Law

“WICL welcomes measures to protect and promote the wellbeing of all court users. In particular, we support our members who choose to adopt and follow the CBA Wellbeing Protocol.”

The Young Criminal Bar Association

“The YCBA welcomes the Wellbeing Protocol in order to promote the wellbeing of all criminal barristers under 7 years call.  As individuals who are deeply invested in the success of the justice system, we believe that prioritising the wellbeing of barristers is not just essential but also foundational for fostering a positive and productive work environment.  The Wellbeing Protocol represents a significant step towards acknowledging and addressing the diverse needs of the junior Bar and we would encourage anyone within the criminal justice system to also consider adopting and supporting the Wellbeing Protocol.”


“The LCCSA fully supports measures to protect the wellbeing of all court users. In particular, we fully support barristers adopting and following the CBA Wellbeing Protocol”
